How to Import Customers from Cart Hero to Klaviyo
1. Go to and login to your account
2. Click on Funnels

3. Click on ALL

4. Click on the funnel that you want to start receiving customer information from

5. Click on Connect Klaviyo

6. Select the Klaviyo list that you want to collect the customer information

7. Click on Connect Klaviyo

8. To add your information and consent boxes, click on the Edit button of the Order page

9. Click on Hero Cart on the top right banner

0. Click anywhere on the white area of the Hero Cart

11. Click on Step 2

12. Hover over the Email section and click the "+" button

13. Click on FORM

14. Select the Input component

15. Click on New Field

16. In the right hand column, under Type, select Phone

17. Hover your mouse right below the Country and Postal Code components, and click the "+"

18. Click on FORM

19. Click on the Consent Box component

20. Click on "Please edit this label to fit marketing best practices"

21. Edit the text to fit marketing practices best

22. Click on Save

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