1. We have added in a new component under product, called Add Bundle, which is the main piece of how this is going to work

2. The first thing that you need to do, is go back to your funnel steps, and setup all of products that you will want as a part of your bundle.

3. Next, you will want to set up the pricing to match whatever you are wanting to offer the bundle for (since we are offering the bundle for $29, we need to setup the products at an individual price level, that equal $29. We are going to make our products $9.66, $9.67, and $9.67).

4. Once you have your individual price set up that you are wanting to include in the bundle, you can head back over to the editor.

5. To recap how the editor works, you will assign your products at the Section, Container, or Column level.
If you assign the products to the Section level, it encompasses the entire section, if you assign it to the container, you can have multiple containers and multiples products within the same section.
6. With bundles, you are going to want to add all of the products you are wanting to offer, inside of the section. For this example we added the products in individual columns, inside a container.
7. To do this, all you have to do is click inside each individual column.

8. On the right hand side of the page, your column menu will come up, and under Product, you will select the product that you want in each individual column.

9. We have added in a new component under product, called Add Bundle, which is the main piece of how this is going to work

10. The Add Bundle button makes it to where anything inside of this section, is going to be added to the cart when the button is clicked.

11. Add a quantity component for each product to determine how many of each are included in the bundle. (even if you only want to include one of each product in the bundle, it is important to have a quantity selector for each product, set to 1).

12. When you select the quantity selector component, you can set a default quantity (if your bundle is going to include 2 of a certain product, then you can preset that default quantity to 2).

13. When a bundle is present, the quantity selectors are automatically going to be hidden from your customers, because you are presetting what is going to be included in the bundle.
When you do this, your customers can't add or take away from that bundle because it is all being sold as one set.
Here is a preview of how that will look to your customers:

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